Benefits of desi ghee for babies: a nutritional powerhouse

Are you looking for a natural way to support your baby’s growth? Desi ghee might be the answer! 


Desi ghee, a traditional Indian kitchen staple, enhances the flavor of your meal and is also a powerhouse of nutrients for your baby’s growth and development. 

Originating around 8,000 years ago in the Indus Valley, desi ghee is made by heating cream or butter until the water evaporates. Then, the milk solids are skimmed and strained, and the remaining liquid fat is the ghee.

Desi ghee is made from dairy cow milk and water buffalo milk. It contains many rich sources of protein, healthy fats, and vitamins A, E, and K. It's said to have anti-inflammatory properties. 

With so many nutrients and minerals, it is a nutritional powerhouse for your baby; let’s acknowledge its benefits and fully utilize them for our baby’s healthy growth. 

Benefits of Desi ghee for babies. 

  • Rich in healthy fats. 
  • Desi ghee provides healthy fats, which are essential for the growth and development of the baby. It supplies fuel to the body and also helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K need fat to absorb in the body. 

  • Improves bone health. 
  • Ghee can help improve bone health and muscle development if added to your baby’s daily diet, as it has many properties that help in calcium absorption and boosting bone metabolism and also it is a rich source of calcium. 

  • Immunity booster 
  • It is an effective source that will boost your baby’s immunity and keep them safe from any potential infections and diseases. An element called butyrate present in ghee supports gut health, which results in strengthening the immune system. 

    We also have naturally made immuno booster syrup specially designed for your baby and their nutritional needs. Check out today for the best deals. 

  • Enhance Digestion. 
  • Ghee not only cleanses the digestive system but also relieves constipation. The short-chain fatty acids in ghee promote smooth digestion and improve gut health. 

  • Promotes healthy weight gain.
  • Just 100 mg of desi ghee in your child’s meal will provide them with the calories necessary to grow at a healthy and balanced rate and eventually gain weight. Daily consumption of ghee increases HDL, which is good cholesterol, and removes excess LDL, known as bad cholesterol, from your body. 

  • Improves brain function. 
  • Desi ghee contains fatty acids and saturated fats, which are said to improve brain development in infants. Even in Ayurveda ghee is considered "medhya rasayana", which is a group of herbs that can improve mental alertness, cognition, memory, and intelligence. 

  • Supports healthy and clear skin. 
  • Ghee is effective in moisturizing, its healing effects support healthy and clear skin for babies and avoid irritation, rashes, and dehydration. Whether included in meals or used as a massage oil for the baby in winter it benefits the baby both ways.

    Our products also offer a variety of benefits for your skin just like the ghee! Having the best baby care products in India we ensure your baby’s healthy and happy developments with our products. 

    Tips on the consumption of Desi ghee. 

    • Use ghee in moderate amounts.
    • Heating ghee at high temperatures can cause it to lose its essential nutrients.
    • Consume it in pure form or add it to warm rice, lentils soups, etc. 
    • You can mix it in your baby’s purees. 
    • Consult a pediatrician before regular use to avoid health risks for special children. 


    Desi ghee is a powerful source of nutrients that support your baby’s growth, from promoting healthy fats and bone health to boosting immunity and brain function. Its digestive and skin benefits further enhance its value as a natural addition to your baby’s diet. When used in moderation, ghee can be a great way to nourish your baby. Always consult with a pediatrician before regular consumption to ensure that it's suitable for your little one’s needs.

    At Organic Dew, we offer a wide range of products that are 100% clinically tested for your baby. We have the best baby hair oils, massage oils, lotions, shampoos, and many more for your baby! 

    Shop for the Best Baby Care Products



    Q1: What are the benefits of desi ghee for babies?

    Ans: There are many benefits of desi ghee for babies including healthy skin, better digestion, weight gain, bone metabolism, high immunity, and many more. 

    Q2: Can we apply ghee on the baby’s face?

    Ans: Applying a thin layer of ghee on a baby's face can help moisturize and protect their delicate skin. Always consult a pediatrician to avoid any allergies and health risks. 

    Q3: What is the nutritional importance of ghee?

    Ans: Ghee is rich in important nutrients like vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, and conjugated linoleic acid.

    Q4: Does ghee increase power?

    Ans: Yes, ghee increases gut power and muscle power in babies. It also boosts immune power for the development of babies. 

    Q5: What is the disadvantage of ghee?

    Ans: There are not any disadvantages of ghee but eating too much of it can cause you to gain weight and higher chances of obesity due to consumption of more calories than necessary.

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