Ayurvedic Approach to Baby's First Fever

When your baby experiences a fever, especially if it's their first one, it can be frightening. Remember that a fever generally signals that the body is actively fighting an infection. However, it is crucial to identify the underlying cause of your baby's fever for appropriate treatment.

While it's essential to consult with a doctor for proper diagnosis and guidance, there are also several home remedies that can help alleviate your baby's discomfort. In this article, we will explore the symptoms and causes of a Baby's First Fever, along with the Best Home Remedies for Baby Fever, to provide comfort and support during this challenging time.

What's considered a fever?

The normal temperature of a child can vary, depending on factors such as age and activity level. Additionally, the time of day can impact the recorded temperature; in late afternoon and evening, body temperature can be highest, and the lowest during the night and early morning. Infants normally exhibit higher temperatures compared to older children. Fevers are generally recognized when the temperature exceeds 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius) in a rectal reading or 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 degrees Celsius) in an oral reading.

Causes of Baby's First Fever

Fevers in infants can result from various factors, including:

  • Viral or bacterial infections, such as respiratory infections or ear infections.
  • While teething itself doesn't cause a fever, it can lead to slight temperature elevation in some infants.
  • Some babies may develop a low-grade fever after receiving vaccinations.
  • Dressing your baby too warmly or using too many blankets can cause an elevated body temperature.
  • Exposure to a hot environment or excessive bundling can contribute to fever.

Best Way To Treat Baby Fever

If your baby's temperature doesn't require contacting the doctor, you can take measures at home to help reduce the fever:

Maintain Adequate Hydration: Ensure your baby stays hydrated by offering breast milk or formula frequently. If your baby is older than six months, you can also provide lukewarm water or herbal teas to keep the baby hydrated. Avoiding sugary drinks and providing fluids in small, frequent intervals can prevent dehydration.

Breastfeeding: If your baby is breastfeeding, continue to nurse on demand. Breast milk contains essential nutrients and antibodies that can aid in recovery.

Massaging: Ayurvedic massages with gentle oils like coconut or sesame can be beneficial during a fever. Massaging the baby's body helps in promoting relaxation, improving circulation, and supporting the body's natural healing process. Additionally, placing a cool cloth on the baby's forehead or giving a lukewarm bath can provide relief.

Warm Baths: A lukewarm bath can be soothing for a feverish baby. Avoid using cold water, as it may cause shivering and increase discomfort. Pat your baby dry gently after the bath.

Rest and Sleep: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of adequate rest and sleep for healing. Creating a calm and soothing environment, ensuring a comfortable sleep space, and adhering to a consistent sleep routine contribute to the baby's overall well-being.

Avoid OTC medications: DO NOT administer any medication to your baby for fever relief without consulting a doctor. Many medications have been associated with severe diseases in babies, affecting the nervous system, which can result in significant disability or, in some cases, prove fatal in children.


When To Contact Your Baby's Doctor

Look for these signs and symptoms:

Changes in appetite: If your baby shows alterations in appetite, such as consistently refusing multiple feedings or displaying poor eating habits.

Changes in behaviour: If your baby appears unusually sleepy, cries excessively beyond the usual, or proves challenging to soothe.

Tender navel or penis: If there is a sudden onset of redness, oozing, or bleeding in your baby's umbilical area or penis.

Fever: If your infant is under 3 months, reach out to your doctor for any signs of a fever. For babies aged 3 to 6 months, if their temperature is up to 102 F (38.9 C) and they appear unwell or have a fever exceeding 102 F (38.9 C). For infants aged 6 to 24 months, if their temperature surpasses 102 F (38.9 C) for more than a day without any other apparent signs or symptoms, get in touch with your doctor.

Diarrhoea: If your baby has more than three stools that are especially watery.

Vomiting: It is common for a baby to occasionally spit up, which refers to the effortless release of stomach contents through their mouth. However, if your baby forcefully vomits after meals or has been unable to retain liquids for eight hours, it may be a cause for concern.

Constipation: If your baby experiences a decrease in the regularity of bowel movements for a few days and seems to be having difficulty or discomfort.

Colds: If your baby experiences a cold impacting their breathing, has symptoms persisting beyond 10 days, encounters ear pain, or has a cough lasting more than one week.

Rash: Seek medical attention if your baby's rash appears infected or if an unexplained rash develops suddenly, especially if accompanied by a fever.

Eye discharge: If your baby has red, swollen, or mucus-leaking eyes.


Dealing with a baby's first fever can be stressful, but with proper care, attention and using these Natural and Ayurvedic Remedies for Baby Fever, you can help alleviate your little one's discomfort. It's essential to monitor symptoms closely, maintain hydration, and create a comfortable environment. However, always consult with a pediatrician for accurate diagnosis and guidance, especially if the fever persists or is accompanied by worrying symptoms.



1. What are the common causes of a baby's first fever?

Ans. Fevers in infants can result from various factors, such as infections, teething, vaccinations, dressing the baby too warmly, or exposure to a hot environment.

2. Can teething cause a fever in infants?

Ans. While teething itself doesn't cause a fever, it can lead to slight temperature elevation in some infants.

3. Is it safe to give aspirin to my baby for fever relief?

Ans. Do not administer aspirin or any other medication to your baby for fever relief without consulting a doctor, as aspirin has been associated with Reye's syndrome, a potentially severe condition affecting the nervous system.

4. What signs should I look for to know when to contact my baby's doctor during a fever?

Ans. Signs include changes in appetite, persistent fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation, prolonged cold symptoms, rash, or eye discharge.

5. When is it necessary to contact the doctor for a fever in a baby under 3 months old?

Ans. For infants under 3 months, any signs of a fever should prompt immediate contact with the doctor.

6. What should I do if my baby shows changes in appetite or behaviour during a fever?

Ans. If your baby consistently refuses feedings or displays poor eating habits, consult your doctor.

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